학력 사항
경력 사항
논문 및 연구활동
* 논문
“Effect of Sn dopant on the properties of ZnO nanorod arrays ,” O. Lupan, L. Chow, V. Ursaki, E. Monaicu, I. Tiginyanu, S. Shishiyanu, T. Shishiyanu, S. Park, A. Schulte, Proc. Intl. Semiconductor Conf., Proc. CAS 2007, IEEE (2007)
“Investigation of zinc oxide nanostructures prepared by chemical deposition and rapid photo-thermal procssing technology,” O. Lupan, S. Shishiyanu, L. Chow, T. Shishiyanu, V. Sontea, A. Schulte, S. Park, Proc. Intl. Semiconductor Conf., Proc. CAS 2007, IEEE(2007).
“Effect of synthesis conditions on the growth of ZnO nanorods via hydrothermal method,” D.Polsongkram, P.Chamninok, S.Pukird, L.Chow, O.Lupan, G.Chai, H. Khallaf, S.Park, A. Schulte, Physica B, 403, 3713-3717(2008)
“Investigation of aluminum and indium in situ doping of chemical bath deposited CdS thin films,” H. Khallaf, G. Chai, O. Lupan, L. Chow, S. Park, A. Schulte, J. Phys D, 41, 185304 (2008)
“Growth of tetragonal SnO2 microcubes and their characterization.” O. Lupan, L. Chow, G. Chai, H. Heinrich, S. Park, A. Schulte, J. Crystal Growth, 311, 152-155 (2008)
“A rapid hydrothermal synthesis of rutile SnO2 nanowires,” O. Lupan, L. Chow, G. Chai, A. Schulte, S. Park, H. Heinrich, Mat. Science and Engineering B 157, 101-104 (2009)
“Investigation of chemical bath deposition of ZnO thin films using six different complexing agents,” H. Khallaf, G. Y. Chai, O. Lupan, H. Heinrich, S. Park, A. Schulte, l. Chow, J. Phys D – Applied Physics, 42, 135304, 1-8
“Nanostructured zinc oxide films synthesized by successive chemical solution deposition for gas sensor applications,” O. Lupan, S. Shishiyanu, V. Ursaki, E. Monaiku, T. Shishiyanu, L. Chow, B. Roldan, A. Naitabdi, S. Park, A. Schulte, Materials Research Bulletin, 44, 63-69 (2009)
“Characterization of gallium-doped CdS thin films grown by chemical bath deposition,” H. Khallaf, G. Chai, O. Lupan, L. Chow, S. Park, A. Schulte, Applied Surface Science, 255, 4129-4134 (2009)
“Synthesis of one-dimensional SnO2 nanorods via a hydrothermal technique,” O. Lupan, L. Chow, G. Chai, H. Heinrich, S. Park, A. Schulte, Physica E 41: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 533-536
“Investigation of boron doping of chemical bath deposited CdS thin films,” H. Khallaf, G. Chai, O. Lupan, L.
Chow, S. Park, A. Schulte, Physica Status Solidi (a) 206, 256-262 (2009)
“High pressure Raman spectroscopy with a micro-capillary cell, “S. Park, T. Oakeson, A. Schulte. Proc.
XXIIth Intl. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy, AIP Conf. Proc., vol 1267, 662-663 (2010).
“Synthesis and characterization of Ag- or Sb-doped ZnO nanorods by a facile hydrothermal route, “O. Lupan, L. Chow, L. K. Ono, B. Roldan Cuenya, G. Chai, H. Khallaf, S. Park, A. Schulte, J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 1240112408 (2010).
“Micro-spectroscopy of single Erythrocytes infected with Malaria Parasite” S. Arora, S. Park, J. Mauser, D. Chakrabarty, A. Schulte. Invited paper, International conference on Nanotechnology and Biomedical Engineering. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, on July 7-8th 2011
“RAPID HYDROTHERMAL SYNTHESIS OF ZINC OXIDE NANORODS ON SINGLE CRYSTAL SAPPHIRE SUBSTRATE, “O. Lupan, L. Chow, Y. Rudzevich, Y. Lin, S. Park, A. Schulte, E. Monaico, L. Ghimpu, V. Sontea, V. Trofim, S. Railean, V. Cretu, I. Pocaznoi, has been accepted for IEEE CAS 2011 Conference.
“NANOFIBROUS ZINC OXIDE FILMS SYNTHESIZED BY MAGNETRON SPUTTERING,“L. Ghimpu, O. Lupan, S. Popescu, V. Ursaki, I. Tiginyanu, L. Chow, G. Chai, S. Park, A. Schulte. has been accepted for IEEE CAS 2011 Conference
“Anchoring ceria nano particles on graphene: Oxygen vacancy effect” Daeha Joung, Virendra Singh, Sanghoon Park, Alfons Schulte, Sudipta Seal, Saiful I. Khondaker. Under review for Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2011)
“Electrochemical study of nanoporous gold revealing anti-biofouling properties” S Saraf, CJ Neal, S Park, S Das, S Barkam, HJ Cho, S Seal. Rsc Advances 5 (58), 46501-46508 (2015)
“On-chip whole blood plasma separator based on microfiltration, sedimentation and wetting contrast” S Park, R Shabani, M Schumacher, YS Kim, YM Bae, KH Lee, HJ Cho. Rsc Advances 5 (58), 46501-46508 (2015)
“A carbon nanotube–etal oxide hybrid material for visible-blind flexible UV-sensor” P Pathak, S Park, HJ Cho, Micromachines 11 (4), 368 (2020)